Braden Steffaniak - Feb 27, 2017


First-class functions in their essence are just variables that point to executable code (functions). However, there are some key aspects that define what a first-class function means:

  • Can pass functions as arguments to other functions
  • Can return a function as a return value from a function
  • Can assign functions to variables
  • Can store functions in collections

These points boil down to the fact that functions should act like variables.


This functionality is already available in Flat, and has been since the first Beta release. Defining a function that takes a function as an argument looks like:

func1(myFirstClassFunc(String, Int)) {
  for (i in 0..10) {
    myFirstClassFunc("iteration #i", i)

This function requires a function that takes at most String and Int as a parameter. I say at most because the functions that are passed to func1 are not required to take all of the parameters that the myFirstClassFunc parameter has. For example, you could match the myFirstClassFunc parameter definition exactly like:

exactFunc(String s, Int x) {
  Console.writeLine("String count * x == #{s.count * x}")

func1(exactFunc) // valid

Or you could give it a function that only contains 1 or even 0 parameters:

zeroFunc() {
  Console.writeLine("Im pretty useless, but thats ok")

oneFunc(String s) {
  Console.writeLine("I only took the String parameter: #s")

func1(zeroFunc) // valid
func1(oneFunc) // valid

Passing functions as arguments to functions is one of the core aspects of the mapping and filtering functionality of the List framework.


Returning functions from functions looks like this:

otherFunc(String x, Int y) {
  Console.writeLine("Received #x and #y")

func1() -> myFirstClassFunc(String, Int) {
  return otherFunc

The func1 returns a function that takes a String and Int as parameters. In this case, it just returns otherFunc, but you can also do some more interesting things like this:

otherFunc(String x, Int y) {
  Console.writeLine("Received #x and #y")

func1(String input) -> myFirstClassFunc(String, Int) {
  return (x, y) => {
    for (i in 0..5) {
      Console.writeLine("Parameter: #input")

      otherFunc(x, y * i)

This func1 returns a lambda (aka anonymous function) that takes a String and Int. The types of the parameters for the lambda are deduced from the return type of the func1 function. Calling the function that is returned from the function would write func1's input parameter to the console 5 times, as well as calling 'otherFunc' 5 times.


Assigning functions to variables looks like this:

func1(String input) -> myFirstClassFunc(String, Int) {
  return (x, y) => {
    for (i in 0..5) {
      Console.writeLine("Parameter: #input")

      otherFunc(x, y * i)

var x = func1

This saves the func1 reference into the variable variable x. You can then invoke the x function reference like this:

x("pass string") // valid
x("pass string", 1) // valid
x("pass string", 1, "asdfasdf") // valid
x("pass string", null, 90.0, 100) // valid

You can pass as many arguments to the function as you want, as long as you fulfill the original functions parameters. The original parameters, in this instance, are a single String. However, the extra parameters that are passed to the function will be never used.


Storing functions in collections extends upon the ability to assign to them variables. For instance, when able to store functions in collections, this is possible:

func1(String input) -> myFirstClassFunc(String, Int) {
  return (String x, Int y) => {
    for (i in 0..5) {
      Console.writeLine("Parameter: #input")

      otherFunc(x, y * i)

let array = new function(String)[]

array.add(x => {
  Console.writeLine("In lambda that was passed #x")
  Console.writeLine("In lambda that takes no parameters")

The array array stores functions that, at most, take a String as a parameter. You could later call the functions that are contained in this array like this:

array.forEach(func => {
  func("say something")

This would output:

In lambda that was passed say something
In lambda that takes no parameters

The first func1 value does not output anything because the function that it returned was not invoked.



First-class functions have an important role in loading modules at runtime. When you load a module at runtime you can access fields and functions from that module dynamically. Accessing fields is pretty self explanatory; you are returned the value of the field. Functions on the other hand require a function reference to be returned in order to be useful.


Functional coding also has a inherent need for first-class functions. When programming in the functional paradigm, you expect functions to behave like variables because thats essentially what the paradigm is built off of.


First-class functions can reduce the amount of code to perform tasks. This is an important point considering one of the founding principles of Flat is speed of development. When you reduce the amount of code to solve a problem, you often times are reducing the time it takes to complete the task.

This can be demonstrated with the strategy pattern design pattern. This pattern is used when you want to run different algorithms based off of different conditions, at runtime. To illustrate this, lets suppose that you want to enforce a specific pricing algorithm depending on the type of the day. With the strategy pattern you could do this:

interface Billable {
  calculatePrice(Double originalPrice)

class NormalHours implements Billable {
  calculatePrice(Double originalPrice) => originalPrice

class HappyHour implements Billable {
  calculatePrice(Double originalPrice) => originalPrice / 2

class SurgeHour implements Billable {
  calculatePrice(Double originalPrice) => originalPrice * 2

class Customer {
  Billable billStrategy = NormalHours()

  Double sum = 0

  public charge() {
    sum += billStrategy.calculatePrice(5)

public static main(String[] args) {
  let c1 = Customer()

  c1.charge() // 5

  //surge hour
  c1.billStrategy = SurgeHour()
  c1.charge() // 10

  // happy hour
  c1.billStrategy = HappyHour()
  c1.charge() // 2.5
  c1.charge() // 2.5

The customer would leave with a bill of $20. This same process could be done with first-class functions like this:

class Customer {
  var billStrategy(Double) -> Double = x => x

  Double sum = 0

  public charge() {
    sum += billStrategy(5)

public static main(String[] args) {
  let c1 = Customer()

  c1.charge() // 5

  //surge hour
  c1.billStrategy = x => x * 2
  c1.charge() // 10

  // happy hour
  c1.billStrategy = x => x / 2
  c1.charge() // 2.5
  c1.charge() // 2.5

This code is much shorter and accomplishes the same result. The first-class function method reduces the amount of allocation required to complete the task, as well as the amount of code. However, some people might argue that the strategy pattern is more readable and scalable. If you are well versed with first-class functions, then the first implication of the argument is false, however the the scalability of the strategy pattern is a valid point. If you need to add extra fields to a specific billing algorithm, then the strategy pattern might be best. But for simple routine function abstract algorithms, first-class functions is often a better choice.

First-class functions that can be returned by a function, assigned to a variable, and stored in collections, will be added in the v0.3.8 release. The target release date for v0.3.8 is next week on 3/5/2017. If you are seeing this after v0.3.8 has been released, then you can see the release notes here. Otherwise that link will be a broken link.